• #OurNHSPeople Wellbeing Support - This comprehensive package of emotional, psychological and practical support has been developed in line with what NHS staff said they needed and it can be accessed through one point of contact. This includes a free wellbeing support helpline, a 24/7 text alternative, peer to peer, team and personal resilience support and free mindfulness apps.
    • It also includes culturally diverse and all staff virtual common rooms, which provide an opportunity for colleagues to come together and invest some time in supporting each other during these challenging times.   
      They offer a safe and supportive environment, hosted by an experienced and approved practitioner. The one-off meetings will take place over an hour and are open to all colleagues, although specifically catering to the needs of NHS staff from BAME communities.
      There will be a maximum of ten NHS staff in each common room, and people are able to access them as often as they would like. Discussion in the room will be guided by the participants with a focus on present and future coping and support.
  • Free confidential support and advice from Relate - This is a free 30 minute webchat or phone call with a Relationships and Wellbeing Advisor who will help people to put a plan in place to tackle their issue or signpost to further advice and support if needed. Recognising the extraordinary circumstances that people find themselves in as a result of COVID-19, Relate has launched relatehub – a safe and confidential place where any relationship issues or wellbeing concerns can be discussed and worked through. They can help with a range of issues for when you most need support including:

•    relationship problems with partners, children, family, friends and colleagues
•    health or job worries
•    stress at work or other anxieties in or out of the workplace
•    feelings of isolation, loneliness or not having the time to look after your own wellbeing.

Find out more on their website or call 0300 303 4477 for further information.