Volunteering with Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust was paused during the COVID-19 pandemic but is now being re-launched.

We are looking to engage with people who feel a connection with the Trust; perhaps you have used Trust services, or you have been a carer for someone who has? Maybe you are a student, or you are looking to build a career with us?

Our Service User Placement (SUP) project will work with you to identify a volunteering placement for you within the Trust which will help you with building confidence, learning new skills, and gaining a greater awareness about who we are and what we do at DHCFT.

As a Trust volunteer you will also be encouraged to complete an NHS volunteer on-line training package, as well as a Trust corporate induction. You will be supported by a placement supervisor as well as our SUP Project team to achieve your goals.

Although these are unpaid roles, you can claim for reasonable travel expenses. Some volunteer roles will also require a DBS check.

Why volunteer?

Benefits for the volunteer include opportunities...volunteer graphic with lots of raised hands

  • to get involved in our services
  • to use skills in a way tailored or graded to ability
  • to learn and develop new skills
  • for people who have used or are using mental health services to continue their recovery in a safe and supportive environment
  • for people outside mental health services to learn more about those services and mental health generally
  • to gain work experience and potential reference in a supportive environment
  • to work in an environment that is fair and inclusive, and that will provide empathy and support at all times
  • to be supported and enabled to make the transition into other work environments if they wish to
  • to be supported with education and development opportunities in order to make the most of their potential
  • to be empowered to take more control of their own development.

Who will be considered?

We are fully committed to equality and diversity, and will engage with anyone who wants to volunteer.

Anyone with a genuine interest in the work of Derbyshire Healthcare will be considered (our work primarily covers mental health, eating disorders, substance misuse, learning disabilities and children’s services). We would particularly encourage people who are receiving or have received services from the Trust or carers of people receiving services to become volunteers.

Contact us

If you would like more information, please contact us on: dhcft.sup@nhs.net.