We ask for knowledge and feedback to make our services the best they can be. 

We believe the people who use NHS mental health, learning disabilities, addictions and children's services run by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust have an invaluable voice into shaping the care that can be provided.

If you have used any service at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS, either as a service user or carer, we would love you to be a part of the EQUAL feedback network. 

Being part of EQUAL will give you the opportunity to discuss what you believe to be working well and what could be improved. There is also the opportunity to share and feedback these discussions with the Trusts executive leadership team. This shared knowledge is hugely valuable in continuing to provide excellent care for the people of Derbyshire.

The EQUAL teams meet four times a year and are currently looking to set up more groups across all the Trusts services. We would love you to join us!

If you’re interested, please email dhcft.equal@nhs.net

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