Message for DHCFT colleagues: the information here has been replaced by a new COVID section on Focus, our intranet. Please return to Focus and read the information there.

For the latest recordings of live engagement events, view the live engagement hours page on Focus.

Thank you to all colleagues who have participated in our live engagement hour events over recent weeks. Notes and recordings are accessible via the links below. Keep an eye on this page for further engagement events.

Admin and Clerical

Team Brief - 6 May

All-staff live engagement hour - 8 April

Corporate Services - 29 March 2021 

Adult Acute Services - 25 March 2021

Admin and Clerical - 4 March 2021

Children's Services - 15 February 2021

Live engagement hour - 14 January

Covering COVID vaccinations, lateral flow tests and wellbeing:

All-staff Live Engagement Hour (Team Brief) - December