Published on: 23 March 2018

180SSA-7813.jpgThe partnership of NHS and charitable organisations running Derby’s drug and alcohol service has been awarded a new three-year contract by Derby City Council – but with a greater emphasis on engaging with people to help them improve their health and wellbeing and reach their full potential.

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and national charities Phoenix Futures and Aquarius will provide enhanced support to Derby residents under the partnership name of Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service after being awarded a three-year contract (1 April 2018 to 1 April 2021) by Derby City Council’s Public Health team that will see them more proactively engaging with individuals and those in their ‘support network’.

Range of support

The service will continue to offer a range of support to individuals with drug and alcohol misuse needs including one-to-one counselling, alcohol and opiate detoxification programmes, a needle and syringe exchange programme, outreach work such as steroid clinics, and advice and information on housing and financial issues.

In addition, however, the service will now give direct support to individuals’ partners, relatives and friends – sometimes referred to as ‘affected others’ – in recognition of the impact that substance misuse also has on their lives, and the important role they play in assisting with the recovery process.  

'Clinical expertise and recovery-focused skills' 

Ifti Majid, Chief Executive of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: 
“We are very pleased that Derby City Council has chosen our partnership to once again provide the city’s drug and alcohol service. We understand how important it is to offer a high level of support not only to people who are experiencing problems due to substance misuse and addiction, but also to their loved ones.

"We believe our partnership, which combines medical and clinical expertise with recovery-focused skills, will prove very effective in helping Derbyshire people overcome drug and alcohol misuse problems and go on to lead fulfilling lives.”

'Understanding people's needs'

Derby City Council has awarded the contract to Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service for three years. Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust will serve as the lead organisation.  

Councillor Martin Repton, Cabinet Member for Integrated Health and Care at Derby City Council said: 
“I am delighted that we have been able to renew our partnership with the Derby Drug and Alcohol Service, they have demonstrated that they understand the needs of people involved in substance abuse and their loved ones and we hope that we can continue to make a difference in their lives.”

Learn more

View the drug and alcohol misuse section of the website to learn more about the support we and our partners provide.

Any Derby resident wishing to access support from Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service can call 0300 790 0265.