Published on: 21 May 2024

A Senior Occupational Therapist at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has been thanked “with sincere gratitude” for providing helpful support and advice to a patient suffering with dementia, and their family.

Bryan Plimmer, Senior Occupational Therapist for Older People’s Day Services at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, was complimented for going above and beyond to provide fantastic support to a family from Derby, including information on benefits and linking in with the local carers association to help identify available support.

In the Trust’s Delivering Excellence Every Day (DEED) awards, which recognise and celebrate Derbyshire Healthcare staff and volunteers who have gone the extra mile, and thereby demonstrated one or more of the Trust’s values, Bryan was recognised for his enthusiasm and high standard of care to a dementia patient and his family.  

Bryan has worked as an Occupational Therapist for the Trust for around 12 years. After working closely with dementia patients, Bryan has witnessed how the right support at the right time can hugely benefit them in feeling less alone, which makes his role more rewarding. Bryan supports the running of the Living Well with Dementia five-week programme group, which aims to provide information, advice, and support to individuals after receiving the diagnosis of dementia.

The nomination read: “After finishing the Living Well with Dementia programme, a service user's wife wished to extend her personal thanks and gratitude to Bryan. She expressed his encouragement for carer's support, praised his programme delivery and said that she has now been able to receive additional financial support following his advice. She thanked the whole team for their support in their attendance, with sincere gratitude to Bryan.”

Dave Mason, Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professionals and Patient Experience at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Bryan is part of an exceptional team working to support people who are learning to cope with dementia.

“The team provide a range of support such as short-term intervention of psychoeducational groups to older adults within Derby City and Derbyshire for individuals who are predominantly over the age of 65.”

Reflecting on Dave’s words, Bryan said: “The difference we make is that those with dementia and their carers need support after getting a dementia diagnosis, and they often don’t know what to do next.

“Through our programme we can identify all the support available in their local area and we equip them with the knowledge to move forward. This means that they can live well with their diagnosis, improving their overall wellbeing.

“It is great to hear that what we have achieved has had such an impact on people’s lives. It makes the experience of living with dementia less isolating and daunting, so I feel good knowing that I have had a positive impact on someone's life.”

If anyone has experienced good care from a member of staff at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, they can nominate them through the DEED scheme by filling in a DEED nomination form on the Trust website.