This page explains what information we routinely make available and how it can be accessed. It also explains what information is available on this website and where to find it. It is broken down into seven 'classes' of information - see the seven drop-down lists below.
Important Trust documents are also included in a table at the bottom of this page.
If you cannot find what you are looking for on this page, you may wish to make a Freedom of Information request.
Some of the files on this page may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Please request a document in another format by emailing us.
Who we are and what we do
Our organisation
These sections outline why the organisation was set up and what it aims to do:
Organisational structure
Learn more about how we are run and our senior executives, management board and governing body members on these pages:
Register of interests
We are required by our Standing Orders to maintain a publicly available register of Board Members’ interests. A 'declaration of interests register' is included at the start of the Board papers for each of our Board of Directors' meetings:
Board, committees and minutes
These pages on our website provide further information about senior meetings, committee meetings and their minutes.
How we work
Working with other bodies
View information which defines the relationship between Derbyshire Healthcare and various other local organisations:
Job vacancies
This section details all our vacancies and our application process.
Contact details
You can find details to contact Derbyshire Healthcare here:
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Details of our Trust accounts are included in our annual report.
We also report on our budget position as part of our Trust Board minutes.
Counter fraud, bribery and corruption
One of the fundamental principles of any NHS organisation is a commitment to ensuring that public funds are used appropriately.
Fraud by an individual is a dishonest attempt to either make a gain for themselves, or expose another (e.g. an NHS organisation) to a risk of loss. An offence is committed by dishonestly attempting to make a gain even if the attempt fails and no loss actually arises.
The Trust is committed to preventing fraud, bribery and corruption and has a policy in place which warns of the action that is likely to be taken against those found to have committed offences.
Staff within the Trust are encouraged to play their role in putting a stop to the fraudulent actions of a dishonest few.
The Trust has a Local Counter Fraud Specialist (LCFS) to whom all suspicions of fraud, bribery or corruption must be reported. All reported suspicions will be professionally investigated and treated with the utmost confidentiality.
If you are concerned about fraud within the NHS you can go to the NHS Counter Fraud website. Trust staff should refer to the guidance on the Trust intranet.
Financial audit reports
Capital programme
The transparency spending reports include the Trust’s monthly expenditures on items over £25,000.
Staff and Board members’ allowances and expenses
This information is contained within the Trust's annual report.
Staff pay and grading structures
The Trust follows the structures set down nationally for the NHS. You can view these on the NHS Employers website.
Procurement and tendering procedures
These procedures come as part of the Trust’s Standing Financial Instructions.
Details of contracts currently being tendered
For information about contracts being tendered, please submit a Freedom of Information request.
List and value of contracts awarded
Information is available on our transparency spending page.
Our priorities
Trust strategy
Our Trust strategy sets out our vision, strategic objectives and clinical ambition, as well as the building blocks that will help us get there.
Annual report
Our annual report details our performance over the past year. It also sets out some of our key priorities for the year ahead.
Annual business plan
View our latest annual business plan, which explains the Trust's priorities and the priorities for each of our service areas for the year ahead.
Quality improvement strategy
Our quality improvement strategy sets out the ways we intend to continuously improve in the years ahead.
How we are doing
Performance against targets
Learn more on the 'our performance' page.
You can also view information about our staffing levels, including monthly and six-monthly reports, on our safe staffing page.
Reports by regulatory organisations
You can read the reports by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) about our standards of care on the CQC website.
Other reports and information about the Trust can be found on the website.
Audit reports
Audit and performance reports are contained within the Trust's Board papers each month.
Service user surveys
National surveys are carried out by the CQC to find out about the experience of service users receiving care and treatment from healthcare organisations and mental healthcare providers. You can view surveys about our Trust on the CQC website.
We also include information about service user feedback in our annual report each year.
Privacy impact assessments
Data Protection impact assessments are available on request from the Data Security department - please email
Board papers
Our Trust Board reports explain how our Board of Directors make decisions on a monthly basis. View an archive of these papers on our Board meetings page.
Public consultations
Proposals for significant changes to our services are made public in advance. Formal or informal consultations will take place. Learn more on our public consultations page.
Patient and public engagement strategy
A new Trust strategy for patient and public engagement is currently being finalised. To request a copy of this strategy when it is ready, please make a Freedom of Information request.
Equality and diversity
Promoting equality and equity are at the heart of our values. We want to make sure that the organisation exercises fairness in all that it does. We also want to ensure that no community or group is left behind in the improvements that are made to health outcomes across the country.
We continue to work internally to ensure that advancing equality and diversity is central to how we conduct our business as an organisation. Learn more:
This page explains our equality assessment approach.
We have a range of policies and procedures. They cover everything from workforce and human resources, to finance and procurement, to clinical care.
Viewing a policy
Many of our policies are available to download and view.
Please visit our policies dashboard to do this. Here you can search for policies by title and by the type of policy.
If you have any questions about the Trust's policies, please contact our Freedom of Information team.
Learning from deaths
Learning from deaths policy
Our Learning from Deaths Policy was ratified by the Trust Board on 27 September 2017. Download our Learning from Deaths Policy (Word document).
Learning from Deaths - mortality reports
NHS Improvement and the National Quality Board requires all NHS trusts to publish a regular review of mortality.
Please view these in the table below, titled 'learning from deaths'.
Local access
View our policy on patients who do not attend outpatient appointments, or were not brought to appointments (in the case of children).
The policy outlines the process staff should follow when a patient does not attend an appointment in order safely to manage any clinical or safeguarding risks.
It is not the policy of the Trust automatically to discharge patients back to their GP if they fail to attend an appointment.
Modern slavery and human trafficking
We take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. Learn more by reading our Modern Slavery Statement.
On this site you will find lists of:
- Our purchases and spending over £25,000
- Our staffing levels on our inpatient (hospital) wards
- Our Board papers and Council of Governors papers.
Register of interests
Our Board papers contain a list of interests for our Board members. An annual list is contained in each yearly edition of our annual report.
A register of interests for the Council of Governors is available on request. Please email
Annually, at the start of each financial year the Trust publishes the number of its decision-making staff who have declarable interests as defined by national guidance. The Trust also publishes the number of ‘nil returns’, that is, the number of decision-making staff who have no declarations to make.
View the most recent register of interests for decision-making staff within the Trust.
Register of gifts and hospitality
We keep a register of the gifts and hospitality provided to all staff (including Board members). View the latest annual register.
Declarations of outside employment and sponsorship
View our latest lists of declarations by our employees:
If you have any questions relating to the Trust’s declarations, please contact Andrew Coburn, Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Mental Health Legislation on
List of main contractors and suppliers
An updated version of the Trust’s list of main contractors is currently being prepared. To request a copy when it is finalised, please contact our Freedom of Information team.
Information asset register
An updated version of the Trust’s information asset register is currently being prepared. To request a copy when it is finalised, please contact our Freedom of Information team.
All our CCTV cameras have signage. The Trust has a policy on its use of CCTV. To request a copy of this policy, please contact our Freedom of Information team.
Trade union 'facility time'
We support and value the work of our trade union and professional organisation representatives. We wish to promote a climate of active co-operation between representatives, leadership teams and staff at all levels. We believe this will achieve real service improvement, best patient care and our desire to be an employer of choice.
We recognise that outstanding practice requires an engaged and valued workforce, and we seek to enhance and maintain these excellent employee relations through early involvement, engagement and intelligence sharing with our trade union and professional body partners.
In line with the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 we publish details of 'facility time' carried out by our trade union representatives during the year. This covers duties carried out for trade unions or as union learning representatives in relation to our Trust and staff.
In addition we have trade union representatives who give up some of their own (unpaid) time to carry out some trade union activities or duties, for example, branch meetings which take place after work. Many representatives also attend weekend training events in their own time.
Our clinical services
Learn more about our clinical services by visiting the 'our services' section of this site. You can search for services by using the A to Z finder or by using the navigation menu.
Many of our services have patient information leaflets and you will find them on these service pages. We also have many easy read guides.
Non-clinical services
This website includes information about many of our non-clinical services including:
Patient advice and liaision service (PALS)
We call this service our Patient Experience service. Learn more on the Patient Experience page.
Other advice and guidance
Our local support services page explains where you can get help and advice on a range of issues. Our Infolink directory will help you search for organisations offering community support in your area.
Corporate communications
We publish information about the Trust on our latest news page.
Our membership magazine, Connections, also contains lots of information about the Trust. View the latest issues on our 'become a Trust member' page.
We reflect on the work of the Trust over the previous year in our annual report.
Patient information leaflets and other booklets
Many of our services have patient information leaflets. You will find these on the relevant page in the 'our services' section.
We also have many easy read guides.
For carers, particularly those caring for people in our mental health services, we produce the Who Cares? newsletter. You can find the latest issues of Who Cares? on our core care standards page, in the section about carers and families.
We are providing regular updates on our approach to dealing with the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic through our Trust's Board meetings. You can read these updates in our Board papers.
We have established a 24-hour mental health support line - learn more in the Coronavirus section of the website.
We have also invested in the safety of Trust colleagues through our health risk assessment process - learn more on the health risk assessments for at-risk staff page.
Creating a COVID-secure environment
Statement by the Trust's Chief Executive, Ifti Majid
I confirm the Trust is following the government guidance to ensure a Covid Secure Environment for staff, patients and visitors across all Trust services, whilst we have developed a Covid Secure Workplace Policy which seeks to demonstrate how we are applying the guidance within our premises and practices. This policy is under continual review.
The Trust has undertaken risk assessments to ensure that hazards and potential risks are reduced to the lowest practicable levels. These are live documents, to allow for the frequently changing advice from government guidance, NHS specific guidance and learning.
Important Trust documents, reports and statements
The tables below include links to view our key Trust documents, reports, statements and registers.
- The first table, 'Trust documents', includes our Trust strategy, business plan, constitution and equality reports, as well as several of our Trust policies
- The second table, 'annual report archive', lists our annual reports since 2004-05; you can learn more about why we produce an annual report on the 'our annual report' page
- The 'corporate governance' table contains our yearly corporate governance statements and the self-certification statements submitted by our Trust Board
- The final table is a table listing our Learning from Deaths Mortality reports, which all NHS trusts publish.
You can also view many of the Trust's policies by viewing our policy dashboard.
Trust documents
Documents about Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and how it operates.
Document Library
Annual report archive
Derbyshire Healthcare's annual reports since 2004-05 are included in the table below. From 2020-21 onwards, the National Audit Office requires audited bodies to also publish the Auditor’s Annual Report on their website. Our Auditor's Annual Report summarises the work undertaken by our auditor on our behalf during the year.
Document Library
Title | Extension | Size |
Annual report 2012-13 | 1,811.77 KB | |
Annual report 2011-12 | 3,635.04 KB | |
Annual report 2010-11 | 1,940.58 KB | |
Annual report 2009-10 | 2,982.42 KB | |
Annual report 2008-09 | 3,549.63 KB | |
Annual report 2007-08 | 9,306.56 KB |
For the Trust's latest quality account (sometimes called quality report), see the page 'our annual report'.
Corporate governance
View our corporate governance statements and Board self-certification statements in the table below.
Document Library
Title | Extension | Size |
Corporate governance statement 2016-17 | 100.95 KB | |
Corporate governance: Board self-certification 2013-14 | 117.93 KB | |
Corporate governance statement 2017-18 | 103.49 KB | |
Corporate governance: Board self-certification 2014-15 | 389.43 KB |
Learning from deaths
Our Learning from Deaths Policy was ratified by the Trust Board on 27 September 2017. Download our Learning from Deaths Policy as a Word document.
Learning from Deaths - mortality reports
NHS England and Improvement and the National Quality Board require all NHS trusts to publish a regular review of mortality. Please view these in the table below.
Document Library
Title | Extension | Size |
Learning from Deaths Mortality Report 2020 - November 2020 | 138.92 KB | |
Learning from deaths mortality report 2020 - May 2020 | 108.27 KB | |
Learning from deaths mortality report 2020 - July 2020 | 108.91 KB | |
Learning from deaths mortality report 2020 - February 2020 | 112.67 KB | |
Learning from deaths mortality report 2019 - September 2019 | 173.49 KB | |
Learning from deaths mortality report 2019 - November 2019 | 155.97 KB |